Hena Ahmed Hospital

Managed by

Dhaka Ahsania Mission

Call us:

+880 197 576 6661

Our Services

Our Services

The hospital serves and render healthcare services as well as gives proper medical management to distressed rural people suffering from various diseases. It is rendering treatment and diagnostic services to the common people at an affordable cost. A good number of patients,an average of 300 received healthcare services every day. The hospital provides outdoor services, injury management, family planning services, maternal health services, child healthcare services etc. Hena Ahmed Hospital provided healthcare service to 1, 120 females, 888 males and 996 children. It also renders diagnostic including USG, following the consultation of specialist doctors

Gynecological Services
The hospital provides services for all common gynecological conditions. Medical treatment for Fibromyoma (benign tumor in uterus), ovarian cyst and other conditions; surgical intervention for Hysterectomy, Radical Hysterectomy (removal of uterus, ovaries and related genital organs), Subtotal Hysterectomy, Diagnostic D&C and diagnostic Laparotomy; are offered here.

Obstetrical Services
Common Obstetric surgical and medical services for LUCS (Lower Uterine Cesarean Section), obstructed &difficult Deliveries, Pre-Eclamptic Toxemia (PET), Pre-matured/Low Birth Weight babies, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), Uterine Inertia, Delivery induction are present at Hena Ahmed Hospital. Delivery of PrimiGravida (1st pregnancy) with Episiotomy, Retention of Placenta, GDM and Mal-presented babyrelated emergencies are also managed here. The hospital caters to the normal delivery and related obstetrical emergencies.

Population and Family Planning Services
The Hena Ahmed Hospital, with the support from the Directorate of Family Planning, delivers contraceptives to the local people, especially targeting the young and new couples. It also provides counseling through satellite points about the demerits of early marriage and about the necessity of using contraceptives. Satellite points offer the temporary methods of contraceptives, while the hospital provides the long acting & permanent methods as per the guideline.

Cancer Screening
The hospital has the provision of screening services to identify breast and cervical cancer. Diagnostic process includes VIA test for cervical cancer and examination of the breasts. Susceptible cases are referred to the Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital for further management.

Management of General Ailments
Common and routine surgeries for appendicitis, cholelithiasis (stone in the gall-bladder) & cholecystitis (inflammation of gallbladder), hydrocele, hernia, drainage operations, tonsillitis, circumcision and other general management are offered at the Hena Ahmed Hospital.

Emergency Services
There is an emergency service team with expert and trained nurses and doctors are present at the hospital to treat the patients with emergency resuscitations and first aid. Worse cases are referred to higher health facilities like AMCGH after resuscitation.

There is a severe scarcity of necessary medicines at the rural level. Surgical instruments are also unavailable in most scenarios. Hena Ahmed Hospital runs a pharmacy in its vicinity for the better provision of essential medicines when necessary.

Diagnostic Services
Hena Ahmed Hospital administers efficient and active diagnostic services for the people in need. The following investigations are done in the center –

  • Blood Investigations: Blood grouping, Hemoglobin estimation, HBsAg, TPHA, Fasting Blood Sugar, Random Blood Sugar, blood sugar 2 Hours After Breakfast, TC,DC, ESR, Platelet count, Bilirubin level, HCV, VDRL, cross matching, BT/CT and ASO titre estimation are done at the center.
  • Urine Investigations: Routine microscopic examination, pregnancy test, sugar estimation, albumin estimation and PO4estimation are done from the urine sample of the patients.
  • Stool Investigations: Routine and Microscopic examinations are done from the stool sample of the patients
  • Imaging: Ultrasonogram by the modern equipment is done for pregnancy profile and to see any abnormalities in abdomen.
  • Other Investigations: Sputum for AFB to diagnose Tuberculosis, ECG and Echocardiography are also done in the diagnostic center.
  • Referral Coverage
    Referral coverage is very important for the hospitals situated at the rural areas. Hena Ahmed Hospital follows three levels of referral for the emergency cases as well the cases which require further medical and support services.

  • Patients are referred to the hospital through the satellite clinics
  • Patients are referred to AMCGH, Dhaka
  • Consultation of experts and specialized physicians
  • Emergency Transport Services
    Ambulance service is available to the patients for an affordable cost when necessary.

    Behavior Change Communication (BCC)
    Hena Ahmed Hospital considers BCC as cross-cutting issue supported by the DAM Health Sector. DAM efforts for behavior change among the service providers, clients and community stakeholders. Service providers are updated and skillful in providing services with sound knowledge in a patient-friendly manner; patients utilize their rights for information; one to one and group advocacy are conducted to ensure the proper flow of knowledge.DAM uses various media such as community theatre, street drama, movie show, folk songs etc for the purpose of raising mass awareness on different topics of health, nutrition and family planning.